About NotaTask

We created NotaTask because a lot of people are tired of using complex task management and note taking tools that didn't meet their needs. It is really efficient to keep your notes and tasks in one place.We wanted a simpler solution that would help users stay organized, meet deadlines, and collaborate effectively with others. NotaTask is designed to keep your tasks and notes in one place and help you manage them efficiently. It helps you to categorize your tasks and notes by using tags.

How It Works

NotaTask allows you to manage tasks efficiently by organizing them based on deadlines, sending reminders, and facilitating collaboration and discussion. Each task can have a name, tags, description, and status. Tags help in filtering tasks and categorizing them based on their purpose (e.g., work, personal, university). Task statuses include to do, in progress, completed, and archived.

For free and standard users, there's a limit of 10 active tasks and 2 tags, 5 shared tasks and 30 active tasks and 8 tags, and 10 shared tasks, respectively. Premium users, however, enjoy additional benefits such as 100 tasks, 20 tags, 20 shared task and the ability to archive tasks. Archiving allows premium users to keep track of completed tasks without cluttering their active task list.

Privacy and Policy

The privacy and policy terms of Task Organizer ensure that your data is kept secure and your privacy is respected. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your information and adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.